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Maximizing the potential of your investment is the smart thing to do. Faster to market, with a better business model, with a better product, that customers really want to buy; regardless of your role, securing help from Colorado Technology Ventures will help you drive a bigger financial success.


Quick, effective, technical and market analysis with segmentation, value proposition, costing, pricing, and financing, and product, business, value-chain, and team development.  With over twenty years of experience evaluating and launching businesses, we use proven processes and tools to drive results that put you ahead of your competition.


With over twenty years of experience working with teams to identify new opportunities, define and deliver new strategies, improve processes, and turn tough challenges, from the customer to the factory floor, we work together within your company and culture, using proven processes to set objectives, implement plans, and deliver results…on time, on target, and on budget.


Using over twenty years of experience and defined processes, we quickly and effectively assess the technology, the market, the team, their plans, their resources, and their performance to date.  Our due-diligence will help you quickly identify potential stars and address areas of concern.


Please call or write — we will be happy to discuss your needs and make a proposal.

Longmont, Colorado, USA — Telephone: +1 303 775-4932 — Email: info@cotechventures.com
© 2011 Colorado Technology Ventures, LLC — All Rights Reserved